The Government has just issued Resolution No. 48/NQ-CP approving the Strategy on Exploitation and Protection of the Marine and Island Environment by 2030, with a vision to 2050.
Accordingly, the Strategy sets a target that by 2030 sea and island resources will be rationally exploited, effectively and fairly used in service of socio-economic development in association with ensuring national defense, security, foreign affairs and international cooperation; pollution of the marine environment is prevented, controlled and significantly reduced; marine, coastal and island biodiversity is protected, maintained and restored.
Specifically, by 2030 sea and island resources will be rationally exploited and effectively used for rapid and sustainable development of marine and coastal economic sectors, especially key marine economic sectors in order of priority: Tourism and marine services; Maritime economy; Exploiting oil and gas and other marine mineral resources; Aquaculture and fishing; Coastal industry; Renewable energy and new marine economic sectors.
Striving, by 2030, in coastal urban areas, 100% of hazardous waste and domestic solid waste will be collected and treated up to environmental standards.
To well manage and protect marine, coastal and island ecosystems, increase the area of marine conservation zones, marine and coastal areas that are preserved to at least 6% of the natural area of the national sea.
Effective response to natural disasters, climate change and sea level rise relies on sustainable use of resources and protection of the sea and island environment, along with the ability to forecast and warn of natural disasters, climate change, and impacts of sea level rise is enhanced.
Striving for at least 50% of Viet Nam's sea area to have basic survey of marine resources and environment at a map scale of 1:500,000 and large-scale survey in some key areas. Establish a general information system on resources and environment of sea and islands, ensuring integration, sharing and updating.
By 2050, marine and island resources will be properly exploited and used effectively in order to turn Viet Nam into a strong marine country on the basis of green growth, preserved marine biodiversity, marine environment and fresh islands, society in harmony with nature.